Dr. Arkadiusz Sołtysiak
University of Warsaw, bioarchaeology www.antropologia.uw.edu.pl/as.htmla.soltysiak@uw.edu.pl
Arkadiusz Sołtysiak is a professor in the Department of Archaeology, University of Warsaw. He is a bioarcheologist working mainly in the Near East (Iran, Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Kuwait) and the editor of "Bioarchaeology of the Near East".
Dr. Rafał Fetner
University of Warsaw, bioarchaeology rafetner@uw.edu.plRafał Fetner is an assistant in the Department of Bioarchaeology, Univeristy of Warsaw. He is studing human remains from several contexts in Poland and Iraqi Kurdistan (Bakr Awa and Gird-i Shamlu). His interest lies in the subsistence strategies, archaeometry, and palaeodemography.
Joanna Szymczak
University of Warsaw , Antiquity of Southeastern Europe Research Centre j.szymczak2@student.uw.edu.plJoanna is a PhD student in the Antiquity of Southeastern Europe Research Centre. Her study focuses on the Early Iron Age cemeteries from the Iranian Plateau. She is also engaged in the Meroe project that investigates the human–environment relationship in ancient Nubia.